61 - 70

If you have any trouble with an objective and need further help then feel free to comment here. 

Objective 61 - Own an immortal horse
Reward - 2 Squirrels
As long as you still have your first ever horse, this one's easy. But if not ... then it's gonna be harder.

Objective 62 - Have a friend offer you a turnip
Reward - The Turnip Your Friend Gave You
Just ask a friend to gift you one

Objective 63 - Trade or sell a horse for at least 10,000 equus
Reward - 1 Apollo's Lyre
Ask a friend to help you with this - they will probably return it to you after 10 days

Objective 64 - Reach ___ skill points with a horse you have bred
Reward - 1 Eolus' Wind
Just train one of your horses and that should pretty much do it. If not, then complete rides and comps for extra skill gain

Objective 65 - Have a horse older than 20  (not special or divine)
Reward - 5 Energy Mashes
This one is quite tough, but achievable. A horse this age will probably be used as a pass horse if it's not immortal. So be prepared to spend a bit of money on it! Or just age one of your own horses XD

Objective 66 - Participate in ___ competitions with your horses
Reward - 7 Ageing Points
Just do lots of comps with each horse - I usually do showjumping, they use the least energy

Objective 67 - Earn 1.2 genetic potential on a foal
Reward - 10 Turnips
Click here to see the 100% accurate foal games schedule from nix on howrse

Objective 68 - Have ___ living horses
Reward - 1,000 Equus
Buy some cheap horses from the direct sales and when you've done the objective you can just sell them again

Objective 69 - Achieve a positive BLUP with a horse you produced
Reward - 1 Horn of Plenty
You can look in various player's forums for BLUPing methods - but one will be available on Just Howrse soon!

Objective 70 - Win ___ competitions
Reward - 1,000 Equus
It will be different depending on how many horses you own


  1. for objective 62 you can't give another breeder a turnip. is it really an apple?
