51 - 60

If you have any trouble with an objective and need further help then feel free to comment here.

Objective 51 - Have ___ living horses
Reward - 30 Apples
Just buy horses in the sales and resell them when you're done

Objective 52 - Catch 1 UFO
Reward - The Prize in the UFO

Objective 53 - Purchase a pregnant mare
Reward - 1 Pandora's Box
When you're in the sales, check the "in gestation" box to make it easier

Objective 54 - Buy a horse at auction
Reward - 500 Equus
Make sure you refresh the page so you can keep up with the bidding

Objective 55 - Enter a competition that uses 15% - 16% energy
Reward - 1 Made-To-Measure Saddle
Experiment with different skilled horses in different comps until you get the right amount of energy used

Objective 56 - Reach a breeder's reserve ending in 77
Reward - 5 Ageing Points
You'll have to do some fancy selling and buying of items in the store for this - prepare for it to take time!

Objective 57 - Find a new friend
Reward - 5 Energy Mashes
Just go onto the rankings and click on a random player and add them as a friend

Objective 58 - Have logged in 15 different days out of the past 20 days
Reward - 5 Calorific Mashes
As long as you've logged on regularly, it's fine

Objective 59 - Win 1 competition with your horse
Reward - 5 Ageing Points
This is easy as long as your horse has good skills

Objective 60 - Buy a horse in the direct sales
Reward - 500 Equus
This is easy as long as you have over 30 days of seniority